Thursday, 4 December 2014

Walk 1 - Work Diary

I really enjoyed this shoot as we got to go out of the college grounds to take photos, and there were lots of different photo opportunities rather than the same places each time.  For this we had three things to take photos of (Autumn colours, sense of a journey and back of heads) instead of the usually one which did make things a bit difficult as I had a tendency to focus more on one of them than all three.

This is a photo I took of autumn colours I think it is really effective as the lighting highlights some of the colours and leaves while others are kept in the dark by the shadows on either side.

This photo is one I took for back of heads I think the lighting coming from the front is quite effective giving the person a kind of aura and then the lens glare adds to the general feel of the photo.

If I was to do another walk with multiple thing to shoot I would try to pay equal attention to all of them instead of just one so that I end up with some good pictures for all rather than lots of one thing and next to none of another.

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