Thursday, 11 December 2014

Connecting Essay 5

This first photograph I found on the internet, it shows movement through the use of motion blur from the people dancing using a long exposure.  This photo also shows colour as the dancers dresses are blurred across the frame spreading the different colours about as well as blending them together to create some new colours, it also shows some very strong contrast between the black background and the dancers colourful dresses as well as them themselves.

This second photo is one of my own that I took for movement, it clearly shows movement through major motion blur of one of my class mates who now looks like an umbrella and it also shows contrast between the white and black blurs as well as the blur of his hair.  This photo was achieved by getting my class mate to spin around on a chair while I took a photo using a long exposure, the background is not really the best choice but the subject matter is a brilliant choice for the formal element I was trying to capture.

These two photographs relate through there main theme which is movement, both of them display quite vivid and drastic motion blur, through the use of a long exposure.  They also relate through their individual use of contrasting colours in each photo.  Other than this they differ quite drastically through their settings and subject matter as well as the way that they are implemented, in my one the subject is almost indistinguishable where as the one from the internet each dancer is distinguishable from the blurs.

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