Sunday, 7 December 2014

Extended Mapplethorpe notes

- Born 1946 in New York, Died 1989 aged 43 from aids
- Raised in a strict catholic household in central park, therefore thought that Catholicism had an important influence on his life and work
- Aged 16 he moved to Brooklyn to attend art school training
- Attended the PRAT institute of art, where he met Patti Smith who he lived with for a while
- First portraits were of Patti Smith
- America's most controversial photographer
- Well known for his black and white photography
- His work was used for album covers
- Documented Manhattan's gay community 60's and 70's
- Flower Photography, for the money as they were the best selling photos in the industry at the time
- His work was usually fairly simplistic
- Used his friends as models as they were most comfortable around him
- Often photographed 'taboo' topics like sex, violence and race
- He was amazed that his work shocked people and was accused of being selfish/setting out to shock people
- He charged up to $15,000 for a print and up to $10,000 for a session
- Talks about the mystery of photography and the magic moment
- His work was a statement/documentation of the life he lived
- Accused that his work was simply pornography

An example of his 'Album cover' work

An example of his 'gay community' work

Another example of his 'gay community' work

Robert Mapplethorpe and Patti Smith

An example of his 'flower' work

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